Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cocaine at the Gym

You take your shirt off immediately…
And walk around like you own the place
Puffed chest, pompous, soaring ego
And everyone takes heed…
Recognizing that you are a raging jackass
“Put your fucking shirt on” I say.  

But you go to the weights and lift
And lift and lift and lift
You are
High on Crank

When we walk
I make sure
I am at least
4 paces behind you
Pretending that actually
I don’t have a fucking

Clue who you are.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lover in my Wasteland

Today the wind is
Blowing bits of ice
In a vortex, from the vortex.  
My hands are frozen bricks,
Brilliant, blue skies
Empty and cruel.  
Your overseer came for you:
Black tar
Blues, pink ladies
And you’re gone again.
But what are we,
Any of us,
Under this kind of sky?  
Nothing more than one
Of these slivers of ice
Swirling in an empty eddy.  
Only you
Can get away with your
Loving addiction  
And I stay chilled
In the barren grey.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Your Lady of Choice

At last
The fairytale of your docent love
And you stumble around
On the phone
Calling me profane things
Demanding your profane needs
While my jaw drops
In astonishment.  
All the things you say I am…
A selfish, greedy bitch
Hoarding my splendid riches
And now you must turn back
To your heroin rich bitches
And I’ll return to
Where I was.
Quite content

Without your love.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This Day....of all Days

If you spend your nights alone
Writhing in a bed, too comfortable
For one person
And eat dinner alone
On a table with four settings…
Valentine’s Day is a 24 hour
Exercise of loneliness and despair

If you spend your nights
Writhing in bed with someone
Who forgets to reach over
And touch you
And you eat your dinner alone
On a table with four settings,
Valentine’s Day is a 24 hour
Exercise of high expectation
And bottomless disappointment.  

If you spend your nights
Wrapped in a friction filled embrace,
And spend your dinners
On an embellished table
Set with glorious, blooming flowers…..


Friday, February 13, 2015

Where Did it's Head Go?

I am on my lunch break
Trying to fake
The motions of eating my lunch
But near to my left
Lies a mottled black mess
That bereaves me with each carrot crunch.

This fly lying dead
Missing it's head
Causing me much consternation
Throw my lunch in the garbage
My mind wrapped in larvage
Felling ill over death's bleak invasion.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Waiting for this Death

I do not feel you anymore.
Your thoughts are as distant
As the strange, eccentric shafts
Of moonlight.  
Your touch no longer
Animates my soul
But rather, seems foreign
And fragile; lackluster incantations.  
I wait for you in an empty room
With empty expectations.  
I wait for you
With a death bell clutched between my fingers
Furtively waiting
To ring in the death

Of this affair.