Monday, August 29, 2011

Protective Services

They came to my house today to ask how long I have had the baby.  I have to prove to them that I have had full custody of Max since he was born.  I never thought I would have had to prove something as clear as that.  But Adam, no low is too low, and he lied to the court that he has had full custody of the baby since he was born.  I am terrified of all of this and want it to end.  I would like to be able to move on with my life and somehow gain my footing again.  Maybe not again....that is a misnomer if there ever was one.

But one thing is for certain.  I no longer have any feelings for Adam.  I have no desire to see him.  That part of me is dead.  Something has worked for me.  That the mystery attraction has been swiped clear and clean.  I almost hate him, but not really.  I really hate his mother more.  All because she acted so benign and sweet and all along had no hesitation to walk into the courtroom and scream at me and try to tell the judge that I do not love or care for my child.  Yes, I hate Glenna.  Adam, nothing.  Not even a trace of my former self.  I am only angry at myself for letting him back in to reap the havoc he did. 

He has made me into a monstrous, bi polar, crazy leper to the law.  They all talk to me like I am talking at them straight from my ass.  Adam, the lovely charmer, has won the law!  And yet, he is out of his mind and lies like Satan.  But they love him.  They want to believe him and maybe it is my sardonic demeanor or just that I have black hair that they really have done an out of this world job to demean me into a punching, lying criminal.  I supposedly punched Adam in the face while I was holding the baby.  And they beleived every word.  They even laughed and joked around with him in the driveway while I was sobbing in the house with my head in my hands. 

No.  No more.  I am starting to cry again.  I cannot go there. 

Actually, maybe Adam really is Satan.  It is somehow very logical and likely. 

I am tired after this.  Even this much writing.  At least I am not crying for the moment. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It Got Worse?

And to think....I was seriously upset and downsodden in those last posts?  It has gotten so much wose than all of that.  To re read it (something I swore not to do, and now I know why) is devastating.  Six weeks ago he ran down the sidewalk with the baby and I have seen Max only twice since then.  We are battling in court....terrible things are being said....Glenna and I can barely tolerate each other...Adam is a ruthless, violent lair and I saw all of this long ago.  I was utterly blinded for whatever reason and am not wholly unattached from that, even now.  I was supposed to see Max this weekend and they denied me.  They are lowe class and it is clear as sunlight now. 

I have to get things done.  The kids start school tomorrow.  I have spent so much money on haircuts, school supplies, clothes....but I miss my son so very bad.  I miss him and my heart hurts like mad. 

I will try and get everything together.  I am working hard to get things together for the kids and the home and all of it.  Just together.  Once that has been accomplished, things will improve.