Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How many times have I pulled out of your driveway
Unable to stop my chest from aching?
This dull ache….
I don’t know why it never ceases. 
We don’t look at each other. 
Just hand off our forlorn son,
Much like a wilted head of cabbage. 
Our son, with clear, confused eyes,
Our sad, somber trophy.

And if ever I could traverse the space of time
I would readily reclaim
That first delicate kiss

you so tenderly bequeathed.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I survive
And sometimes that means following
The musky scent of rats
And congregating with roaches
But I stay alive
And am not entirely uncertain

I wouldn’t eat you if I had to.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


You’re there again
Choking on your disease
Black tar tracks and raw red mounds
Pickling your arms
And you’re grinning at everyone
On a tenacious rerun:
“I am doing great.  Things are going so good.”
High on your own ego
High with your pernicious demon
That kills you a little more each time.
And I ache for you. 
I’ll die with you.
Be left standing alone

Hating every single memory you left behind.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

All you desperate poets
Diligently searching for the perfect words
To describe your solitude, melancholy, the knives, the cuts,
Hopelessness, hatred, despondency, disease,
Famine of the Soul. 
But to me, depression is about
Hitting snooze twenty times on your alarm clock
Because getting out of bed is just….

Too.  Fucking.  Hard.