Sunday, September 20, 2009

Every day is this day

Well, let me begin by compiling a list of wrongs:
Brooke dumped her kids on me and I had a difficult assignment due. Simoun left, leaving me alone with 8 kids (there were 12 before) and I was attempting this assignment full of shit I can't remember or seem to employ properly. Michael hits the baby's head on a metal bar and the baby screams while I try to tell the other kids to get their pajamas on (they don't listen). After some point I scream because no one will listen. Josh is downstairs crying because his mom is taking too long. She left them here for a "booty call" who said something about him being premature because she was just too tight like I give a damn. I really don't care about the elasticity of her nethers and furthermore, I really don't want to hear it since I have six children myself and those words are ancient history for me. Bitch.
Well, then my boyfriend of eight years...let me begin a new list....
Screamed at me for being mad that someone let thirty nasty flies in the house.
Embarassed me in front of his boys because of it (very very common theme)
Got upset because Adam is taking his baby and I said it's a better atmosphere for children than tight Brooke's dirty house
Screamed at Eric for taking something he didn't.
He hates me. He loves me. He mostly hates me.
And I hate this life of mine. If I had known, if someone had given me a wink or a sigh that indicated the shit that was to become my future, I would have killed myself long ago. But it's too late for that now. I must stay here and put up with an angry bastard, love another and be perpetually walked on by my drunk and incompetent neighbor.
And now back to my studies. My brain rejects the information I am attempting to put into it. But at least I am dumping something into it.

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