Monday, September 13, 2010

Something Simoun said..

He was right and tonight it is really getting me.  No one will ever love me like he did.  It is true.  I told Adam that if I stayed with him I would never know what's it's like to be loved again and that too is true.  I can't concentrate on everything I should be doing because this horrible night keeps turning itself over and over again in my head.  I will sleep it away I suppose. 

1 comment:

  1. Love can be jealous and unforgiving. It can be hurtful and overbearing. But if it's in the name of love, does that make it acceptable?
    The pleasure of love and the pain of losing love make life livable. Keep lusting for love, Amy. It will find you.
    Being afraid to live without love is something only passion can create. Don't be afraid of living without love. Be afraid of losing that fear.
