Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Day Off

I woke up yesterday and just couldn't gather enough guption to actually go into work.  So, I stayed home.  If I had gone to work as usual, I would not have found the eviction notice on my counter!  I had three days to respond to it and it was the last day.  Apparently Michael had signed for the papers on the 19th and forogt to tell me.  So, I panicked.  Adam was with me and was more than irritated at my alarm.  I took him home and used his internet and phone (my phone has been lost for nearly a week now).  I made a few calls and plans and was actually extremely scatterbrained.  I said to Adam, "If I have ever needed your help, it is right now."  Guess...oh just guess...what this gem did!  He said, "I have to clean up and have things I have to get done"  Then he put the baby in the car and walked away.  I cired all the home and not because my kids and I might be on the street, but because I never felt more alone in my life.  I am tired of feeling alone!  I don't mind being an independant woman, really, but sometimes the fear and the isolation are too enormous and too powerful.  But I made an appointment to see a house and put down a downpayment.  Was very relieved and felt hope for this first time in three months. 

And then I came into work today and saw the email from the potential new landlord.  I will copy and paste it: 


After looking at your income and responsibilities closer and agonizing over night, I have decided that your income is not adequate and therefore I will have to reject your application. I am truly sorry. I can mail you your check or drop it off late tonight after 9:30.  I will not be home until then. Or make other arrangements.     


Where one door closes, another door opens and then gets slammed shut again. 

So, welcome to my life.  Homeless?  Maybe.  With six kids in tow. 

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