Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Plot Thickens

He stole $380 out of my account and that's bad.  But yesterday when he was supposed to pick me up from work he never showed up.  And then he calls about an hour later and says my car is dead because it ran out of gas.  I try to find him and it takes forever because he says he is one place but he's not so I go to another and he's not there either.  And I can hear him begging money off of people on teh phone (he forgets I am on the phone when he is too high for idle telephone chat) for a drink and Max screaming his head off in the background.  So, after much confused and nonsensical telephone conversations I find him standing on a corner.  I see Max with him and as I get closer I cannot believe what I see.  Max is filthy, head to toe, not wearing any shoes.  He looked like a kid off the street.  When I get closer, I go to pick him up and his diaper has leaked right through his clothes. 
Oh but it gets better.  I am yelling at Adam,  and we walk around the corner to where my dead car is.  The side mirror is utterly destroyed.  Shattered.  And I go to start the car and there is no heartbeat, no response.  He has killed my car.  I am livid at this point and Adam says, "Fuck you bitch."  Flips me off and that's the last of it. 
So, I call Kurt and he picks me up.  He mostly hates me because I have ignored him the last few weeks and acted as though he's not really been a huge part of my life for the last two years.  But he is hard for me to be around because he loves women too much (mostly their breasts) and is also ridiculously uptight. 
While I am waiting in the food court for Kurt to show up, Max begins a heartbeaking and terrifying tantrum.  He bit me and slapped me in the eyes.  People were staring and shaking their heads.  I was very calm but after a half hour or so, I began to break down and couldn't hold the tears back any longer.  As a long time, far weathered mother, I know that kids don't act that way becuase of their age.  It's because they have no other way to express their emotion. 
In walked Kurt to my rescue much to his chagrin and my own. 
Adam's mom calls me that night and while I am not sure why at first, it soon becomes clear.  He has stolen money from her purse and muscle relaxers from his grandmother.  I tell her what he has done to me (basically making the homeless life even closer to a breathing, living reality) and all the peices come together. 
This morning Kurt takes me to my beat up car and helps me put gas in the car and I find two checks in his other grandmother's name (who is young 80 years old).  Stealing from his grandmothers!  How low can it go.  But I am sure my checks have been rigorously shuffled through as well so I have to go and close my account.  That has not nearly enough money for anything anymore. 
So thus is life.  Lesson learned?  That I am about as trusting as a baby cow.  I am sad for Adam.  Inside that man is actually a pretty good guy who is fun, ambitious and smart (sort of).  But he loves drugs more than anyone or anything and that is what fully commands every peice of him. 

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